<html>The editor now includes a button `~~` that calculates the value of the current math expression (if possible). The cursor should be at the end of the read box, and the answer will be inserted at that point. If the expression contains a string of equalities, only the expression after the last equality is evaluated. Some expressions are considered too easy (this behavior can be switched off by editing the value of AMpreventEasyCalculations in ascii-math.js). The syntax and code for the Calculate button are derived from the [[ASCIIMathCalculator|http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimathcalculator.html]]. Separate expressions with &quot;;&quot;.</html>
<html>ASCIIMathML.js is a JavaScript that translates simple ASCII mathematics expressions to MathML while the webpage is loading. It works in InternetExplorer+MathPlayer and Firefox. See <a href="http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciimath.html">http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciimath.html</a> for more details.<br /></html>
<html>ASCIIsvg.js is a JavaScript that translates simple descriptions of diagrams into [[SVG]] while the webpage is loading. It works in InternetExplorer+SVGview and [[Firefox 1.5]]. See <a href="http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciisvg.html">http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciisvg.html</a> for more details.<br /></html>
<html><p>This is a modification of TiddlyWiki that adds a convenient editor, namely a slightly modified version of HTMLArea 3.0 with AsciiMath and AsciiSvg plugins developed by [[Peter Jipsen|http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen]] and [[David Lippman|http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/dlippman/]].</p><p>The net result is that one can now easily create mathematical and scientific webpages with formulas and graphs using a familiar browser interface. These pages are saved locally and can be uploaded to a webserver. Effectively this is a lightweight scientific wordprocessor and computer algebra system (without any symbolic capabilities at the moment). Various plugins for TiddlyWiki can be used to extend the features, e.g. to display parts of the webpage in the form of presentation slides.</p><p>The latest version of ASciencePad can be freely downloaded from <a href="http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad">http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad</a>. The current version is 1.1a and has not yet been tested extensively. If you use ASciencePad or notice problems (and perhaps fix them:-) please send me an email at <a href="mailto:jipsen@chapman.edu">jipsen@chapman.edu</a>. </p><p>Note that ASciencePad does not take the approach of embedding the entire JavaScript into the webpage (since the HTMLArea editor consists of numerous files). This reduces the size of the main html file (and its many backups), but does imply that this html file should always be in the same folder as the HTMLArea folder.</p></html>
<html>SVGview.exe is the filename of the Adobe SVG Viewer plugin for InternetExplorer. It is freely available from <a href="http://www.adobe.com/svg">http://www.adobe.com/svg</a>.</html>
<html><p>This plugin for the HTMLArea editor uses the ASCIIMathML script to enable the editing of mathematical expressions within a webpage. The expressions are displayed using MathML, and when the user clicks on an expression it is converted to a readable ASCII representation that can be easily edited using a keyboard or by choosing symbols from a popup panel.</p><p>The AsciiMath plugin for the HTMLArea editor was developed jointly by Peter Jipsen and David Lippman. It requires some minor modifications to the editor script (htmlarea.js), and with similar modifications the plugin can also be used with the [[Xinha|http://xinha.python-hosting.com/]] editor.</p></html>
<html><p>This plugin for the HTMLArea editor allows a user to easily create mathematical graphs within a webpage. The graphs are displayed using [[SVG]], and when the user double-clicks on a graph (or selects the graph and clicks on the Insert Graph button in Firefox), a popup panel opens in which the graph can be modified. In [[Firefox 1.5]] the graphs are currently not displayed in the editor window, but they are shown in the popup panel</p><p>The AsciiSvg plugin for the HTMLArea editor was developed by David Lippman, based on the ASCIIsvg script developed by Peter Jipsen. It requires some minor modifications to the editor script (htmlarea.js), and with similar modifications the plugin can also be used with the [[Xinha|http://xinha.python-hosting.com/]] editor.</p></html>
StartHere MathExamples ASCIIMathCalculator SwitchingOffWYSIWYG
<html><p><span>ASciencePad is </span><strong><span>freely available</span></strong><span> (various parts covered by ~BSD-style or GPL licenses). The latest version can be downloaded from </span><a href="http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/"><span></span></a><span>.</span></a /><a class="externalLink" title="External link to http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/" href="http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/" target="_blank"><font color="#0044bb">http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/</font></a></p></html>
<html>Firefox 1.5 is a version of the Firefox browser that supports both MathML and [[SVG]] right out of the box. It's free, its easy to install, its standards compliant, and it works on many platforms. Don't hesitate to get your own copy at <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/">http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/</a>.</html>
<html><p>This is the name of an editor written in JavaScript that can replace any &lt;textarea&gt; input field in a webpage. HTMLArea can be easily extended by various plugins, and is being used in numerous web applications, including ASciencePad. It can be obtained in its original form from <a href="http://www.dynarch.com/projects/htmlarea/">http://www.dynarch.com/projects/htmlarea/</a>.</p></html>
<html><p>Internet Explorer is reportedly the most widely used browser for reading webpages. Fortunately TiddlyWiki and ASciencePad work with this browser, though the latter only on ~MSWindows with MathPlayer and AdobeSVGview plugins installed.</p></html>
<html>JavaScript is a computer language that is implemented in many webbrowsers and is used to create dynamic webpages. In InternetExplorer it is called ~JScript, and part of the language has been standardized as ~ECMAscript. It is a weakly typed language with a syntax based on c and a prototype mechnism for handling objects. JavaScript programs are downloaded with the webpage, cached and interpreted on the client machine.</html>
<html><p>To edit this webpage, you first need to get a local copy of it and the modified HTMLArea editor (bundled at <a href="http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad">http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad</a>). If you are using Internet Explorer, you also need to install the MathPlayer and AdobeSVGview plugins. [[Firefox 1.5]] may need some additional fonts (if squareroots display incorrectly).</p><p>Assuming things are setup ok, just double-click any plain text or heading to start the editor. To insert math, you can click the &quot;<strong>Insert New Math</strong>&quot; button (<span class="AM">`sum+`</span>) or you can type a backquote (usually on the top-left corner of  us-keyboards, but you can also configure this so that another key is used, e.g. \s$). In the red box that appears, you type your mathematics using a calculator-style syntax (called linear ASCII math). If you need specific symbols and don't know (or don't remember) what to type, click the &quot;<strong>Insert Math Symbols</strong>&quot; button (<span class="AM">`sum`</span>)  and choose from the popup window. When you click outside of the red box, the expression is displayed in typeset form using MathML (usually in red, but this can also be changed).</p><p>Here is an example: <span class="AM">`int_-1^1 sqrt(1-x^2)dx = pi/2`</span> is the area of a unit semicircle. Point at the formula to see what was typed. (If integrals are unfamiliar, consider the example below.)</p><p>To create a graph of this semicircle, click the &quot;<strong>Insert Graph</strong>&quot; button, <embed id="mygraph6" style="FLOAT: right; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 200px" src="HTMLArea/plugins/AsciiSvg/d.svg" alt="Graphs: y=sqrt(1-x^2); " sscr="-1.5,1.5,-.5,1.5,1,1,1,1,1,300,200,func,sqrt(1-x^2),null,0,0,-1,1,blue,2,none" script=" " /> enter sqrt(1-x^2) from -1 to 1 and change the values for <strong>xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax</strong> (here I also chose to have the graph positioned &quot;float right&quot;).</p><p>Finally, click &quot;<strong>done</strong>&quot; right above the editor window, and then click &quot;<strong>save changes</strong>&quot; on the top right column of the webpage (there is also an option to save the file automatically after every edit). <strong>That's it!</strong></p><p>Another example: The roots of the quadratic equation <span class="AM">`ax^2+bx+c=0`</span> are <span class="AM">`x_(1,2)=(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)`</span>. </p></html>
<html>MathML is the W3C standard for mathematics notation on webpages. See <a href="http://w3.org/Math">http://w3.org/Math</a> for more details.</html>
<html>MathPlayer is a free plugin for InternetExplorer that allows this browser to display MathML. The plugin is available from <a href="http://dessci.com">http://dessci.com</a>.</html>
<html><p>For more information see the homepage at <a href="http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen">http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen</a>. </p></html>
<html>SVG is the W3C standard for scalable vector graphics on webpages. See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/">http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/</a> for more details.</html>
a TiddlyWiki suitable for scientific notes
<html><p>This is an adaptation of Jeremy Ruston's TiddlyWiki (version 2.0.2) that is suitable for writing scientific notes (e.g. research notes, lecture notes, projects, homework, ...). TiddlyWiki is an amazing JavaScript program that lets you read, edit, save and share infomation conveniently in a single html file using a familiar browser even without an internet connection. ASciencePad extends this by integrating a <strong>what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor</strong> where one can easily type <strong>mathematical formulas</strong> (displayed with MathML) and produce 2D cartesian, parametric and polar <strong>graphs</strong> (displayed with [[SVG]]). The HTMLArea editor was originally developed by <a href="http://www.interactivetools.com/">www.interactivetools.com</a>, now maintained by Mihai Bazon at <a href="http://www.dynarch.com/">www.dynarch.com</a>, and the plugins that provide the math extensions were developed by [[Peter Jipsen|http://www.chapman.edu/~jipsen]] and [[David Lippman|http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/dlippman/]]. See AsciiMath and AsciiSvg for a brief description of the additional scripts that enable the display and <strong>WYSIWYG editing</strong> of math formulas and graphs.</p><p>The math features require InternetExplorer+MathPlayer+AdobeSVGview or [[Firefox 1.5]]. If you can see the MathExamples below, your browser is setup okay, otherwise install the two free plugins for InternetExplorer or install a free copy of [[Firefox 1.5]].</p><p>ASciencePad is <strong>freely available</strong> (various parts covered by ~BSD-style or GPL license). You can download the latest version (currently 1.1a) from <a href="http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/">http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciencepad/</a>.</p></html>
To switch off the HTMLarea WYSIWYG editor and use the original TiddlyWiki editor, tag the tiddler with a string that starts with system (edit this tiddler to see an example).
<html><p>Many thanks to all who have contributed to making ASciencePad possible.</p><p>TiddlyWiki is due to Jeremy Ruston (with contributions from other volunteers).<br />HTMLArea was originally developed by <a href="http://interactivetools.com">http://interactivetools.com</a> and version 3.0 is due to Mihai Bazon.<br />ASCIIMathML and ASCIIsvg are scripts I wrote (mostly) in early 2004.<br />The AsciiMath plugin for the HTMLArea editor was developed jointly by David Lippman and myself, and the AsciiSvg plugin is due to David Lippman.<br />The integration of the HTMLArea editor into TiddlyWiki and the ASciencePad webpage are an ongoing project of mine.<br />Thanks also to the many individuals who have worked on creating MathML, [[SVG]], JavaScript, [[Firefox 1.5]], InternetExplorer, MathPlayer and AdobeSVGview.</p></html>
<html>Take a look at <a href="http://www.tiddlywiki.com">http://www.tiddlywiki.com</a> for a description of TiddlyWiki and the latest version of Jeremy Ruston's fantastic script. </html>