Bernard Banaschewski

List of publications

  1. Über den Satz von Zorn. Mathematische Nachrichten 10 (1953), 181‑186.
  2. Über die Konstruktion wohlgeordneter Mengen. Mathematische Nachrichten 10 (1953), 239‑245.
  3. Über nulldimensionale Räume. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 129‑140.
  4. Über zwei Extremaleigenschaften topologischer Räume. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 141‑150.
  5. Über den Ultrafilterraum. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 273‑281.
  6. Abstufungen des Kompaktheitsbegriffes. Archiv der Mathematik 6 (1955), 320‑329.
  7. Überlagerung von Erweiterungsräumen. Archiv der Mathematik 7 (1956), 107‑115.
  8. Local connectedness of extension spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 8 (1956), 395‑398.
  9. Zur Existenz von universellen Überlagerungen. Mathematische Nachrichten 15 (1956), 175‑180.
  10. Hüllensysteme und Quasiordnungen. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 2 (1956), 117‑130.
  11. Total geordnete Moduln. Archiv der Mathematik 7 (1956), 430‑440.
  12. On spaces of dimension zero. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 9 (1957), 38‑46.
  13. Über die Vervollständigung geordneter Gruppen. Mathematische Nachrichten 16 (1957), 51‑71.
  14. On the Weierstrass‑Stone approximation theorem. Fundamenta Mathematicae 44 (1957), 249‑252.
  15. Zur Idealtheorie der ganzen Funktionen. Mathematische Nachrichten 19 (1958), 136‑160.
  16. On transfinite iteration. Fundamenta Mathematicae 46 (1958), 225‑229.
  17. On certain extensions of functions rings. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 11 (1959), 87‑96.
  18. On the Katetov and Stone‑Čech extensions. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2 (1959), 1‑4.
  19. Über einen Approximationssatz auf nicht‑kompakten Räumen. Archiv der Mathematik (1959), 31‑33.
  20. Homeomorphisms between extension spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 12 (1960), 252‑262.
  21. On principles of inductive definition. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 6 (1960), 248‑257.
  22. Orderable spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae 50 (1961), 21‑34.
  23. Proximity functions (with J.M. Maranda). Mathematische Narchrichten 23 (1961), 1‑37.
  24. On the components of ideals in commutative rings. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1961), 22‑29.
  25. On proving the absence of zero‑divisors for semi‑group rings. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 4 (1961), 225‑231.
  26. Über Hausdorffsch‑minimale Erweiterung von Räumen. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1961), 355‑365.
  27. On some theorems equivalent with the Axiom of Choice. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 7 (1961), 279‑283.
  28. Normal systems of sets. Mathematische Nachrichten 24 (1962), 53‑75.
  29. Regular closure operators. Archiv der Mathematik 14 (1963), 271‑274.
  30. On Wallman’s method of compactification. Mathematische Nachrichten 27 (1963), 105‑114.
  31. On the character rings of finite groups. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 15 (1963), 605‑612.
  32. On lattice‑ordered groups. Fundamenta Mathematicae 55 (1964), 113‑122.
  33. Maximal monoid subalgebras in a group algebra. Archiv der Mathematik 15, (1964), 6‑9.
  34. Extensions of topological spaces. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 7 (1964), 1‑22.
  35. On projective and injective modules. Archiv der Mathematik 15, (1964), 271‑275.
  36. On the derivation modules of an algebra. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 11 (1963), 671‑675.
  37. Quotient extensions of modules. Mathematische Nachrichten 28 (1965), 245‑255.
  38. Maximal rings of quotients of semi‑simple commutative rings. Archiv der Mathematik 16 (1965), 414‑420.
  39. On coverings of modules. Mathematische Nachrichten 31 (1966), 57‑71.
  40. On the injective hulls of cyclic modules over Dedekind domains. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 9 (1966), 183‑186.
  41. Analytic discs in the maximal ideal space of a Banach algebra. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 14 (1966), 137‑144.
  42. Projective covers in certain categories of topological spaces. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra. Prague 1966, 52‑55.
  43. Categorical characterization of the MacNeille completion. Archiv der Mathematik 18, (19618, 369‑377 (with G. Bruns).
  44. Integral group rings of finite groups. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 10 (1967), 635‑642.
  45. An algebraic characterization of C¥(Rn). Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 16 (1968), 169‑174.
  46. Injective hulls of distributive lattices. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 232 (1968), 102‑109 (with G. Bruns).
  47. Frames and compactifications. Proceedings, 1st International Symposium on Extension Spaces Berlin 1967, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin, 29‑33 (1969).
  48. Projective covers in categories of topological spaces and topological algebras. Proceedings of the Kanpur Topology Conference 1968, Academia Prague, 63‑91 (1971).
  49. Injectivity and essentialness in equational classes of algebras. Proceedings of the Conference on Universal Algebra October 1969, Queen’s Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 25 (1970), 131‑147.
  50. Functors into categories of M‑sets. Hamburger Mathematische Abhandlungen 38 (1972), 49‑64.
  51. On profinite universal algebras. Proceedings of the Third Prague Topological Symposium 1971 (Prague 1972), 51‑62.
  52. Equational compactness in equational classes of algebras (with Evelyn Nelson). Algebra Universalis 2(1972), 152‑165.
  53. On residual finiteness and finite embeddability (with Evelyn Nelson). Colloquium Mathematicum 27 (1973), 197‑205.
  54. A remark on extensions of Hausdorff spaces. General Topology and its Applications 4 (1974), 283‑284.
  55. Equational compactness of G‑sets. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 17 (1974), 11‑18.
  56. On equationally compact extensions of algebras. Algebra Universalis 4 (1974), 20‑35.
  57. Minimal topological algebras. Mathematische Annalen 211 (1974), 107‑114.
  58. Subcategories defined by implications. Houston Journal of Mathematics 2 (1976), 149‑171. (with H. Herrlich).
  59. Local + stable adjointness = adjointness. General Topology and its Applications 6(1976), 305‑307.
  60. The duality between M‑spaces and compact Hausdorff spaces. Mathematische Nachrichten 75(1976), 41‑45.
  61. Essential extensions of T0‑spaces. General Topology and its Applications 7(1977), 233‑246.
  62. Tensor products and bimorphisms. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 19(1976), 385‑401. (with Evelyn Nelson)
  63. On the non‑existence of injective near‑ring modules. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 20 (1977), 17‑23. (with E. Nelson).
  64. Sheaves of Banach spaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 (1977), 1‑22.
  65. On G. Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (1977), 507‑509.
  66. Remarks on dual adjointness. Mathematik‑Arbeitspapiere 7, Nordwestdeutsches Kategorien Seminar, Universität Bremen (1977), 3‑10.
  67. Hulls, kernels, and continuous lattices. Houston Journal of Mathematics 4 (1978), 517‑525.
  68. Brandt Groupoids and semigroups. Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 307‑311.
  69. Recovering a space from its Banach sheaves. Proceedings of the Berlin Conference on Categorical Topology, August 1978. Springer LNM 719 (pp. 1‑12). Springer‑Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979.
  70. Injective Banach sheaves. Proceedings of the Durham Conference on Sheaf Theory, Summer 1977. Springer LNM 753 (pp.101‑112). Springer‑Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979.
  71. A proof that F(L) belongs to HSP{L}. Algebra Universalis 9 (1979), 395 (with G. Bruns).
  72. Extension of invariant linear functionals: Hahn‑Banach in the topos of M‑sets. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 17 (1980), 227‑248.
  73. Boolean Powers as algebras of functions. Dissertationes Mathematicae 49 (1980), 1‑55 (with E. Nelson).
  74. The duality of distributive continuous lattices. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 32 (1980), 385‑394.
  75. Stone‑Čech compactification of locales. Houston Journal of Mathematics 6 (1980), 301‑312 (with C.J. Mulvey).
  76. Injective sheaves of abelian groups: a counterexample. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 32 (1980), 1518‑1521.
  77. A lemma on flatness. Algebra Universalis 12 (1981), 154‑159.
  78. Coherent frames. Continuous Lattices. Proceedings Bremen 1979. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 871 (1981), 1‑11.
  79. The duality of distributive σ‑continuous lattices. Ibidem 12‑19.
  80. When are divisible abelian groups injective? Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 (1981), 285‑307.
  81. On the category invariance of cardinalities in a prevariety. Algebra Universalis 14 (1982), 267‑268.
  82. Completions of partially ordered sets. SIAM Journal of Computing 11 (1982), 521‑528 (with E. Nelson).
  83. The power of the ultrafilter theorem. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 27 (1983), 193‑202.
  84. On lattices of continuous functions. Quaestiones Mathematicae 6 (1983), 1‑12.
  85. Biframes and bispaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae 6 (1983), 13‑25 (with G.C.L. Brümmer and K.A. Hardie).
  86. On categories of algebras equivalent to a variety. Algebra Universalis 16 (1983), 264‑267.
  87. The Birkhoff Theorem for varieties of finite algebras. Algebra Universalis 17 (1983), 360‑368.
  88. Stone‑Čech compactification of locales II. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 33 (1984), 107‑122.
  89. More on compact Hausdorff spaces and finitary duality. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 36 (1984), 1113‑1118.
  90. The topology of injective T0‑spaces. Continuous Lattices and their Applications. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 101. Marcel Dekker New York and Marcel 1985, 1‑8.
  91. Lattice aspects of radical ideals and choice principles. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 50 (1985), 385‑404 (with R. Harting).
  92. Prime elements from prime ideals. Order 2 (1985), 211‑213.
  93. Boolean algebras in a localic topos. Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 100 (1986), 43‑55 (with K.R. Bhutani).
  94. Thoughts on the Cantor‑Bernstein Theorem. Quaest. Math. 9 (1986), 1‑27, (with G.C.L. Brümmer).
  95. Injectivity and modelling in the Blass topos. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 49 (1987), 1‑10.
  96. On the congruence lattice of a frame. Pacific J. Math. 130 (1987), 209‑213 (with J.L. Frith and C.R.A. Gilmour).
  97. The fundamental duality of partially ordered sets. Order 5 (1988), 61‑74 (with G. Bruns).
  98. Stably continuous frames. Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 104 (1988) 7‑19 (with G.C.L. Brümmer).
  99. The prime ideal theorem and representations of F‑rings. Algebra Universalis 25 (1988), 384‑387.
  100. Another look at the localic Tychonoff Theorem. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 29 (1988), 647‑656.
  101. Stone‑Čech compactification and dimension theory of σ‑frames. J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1989), 1‑8 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
  102. Compact regular frames and the Sikorski Theorem. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 28 (1988), 1‑14.
  103. On weak automorphisms of certain algebras. Algebra Universalis 26 (1989) 307‑310.
  104. Cauchy points of metric locales. Can. J. Math. 41 (1989), 830‑854. (with A. Pultr).
  105. Universal zero‑dimensional compactifications. Categorical Topology and its Relation to Analysis, Algebra, and Combinatorics. Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1988. 257‑269 World Scientific Singapore 1989.
  106. On pushing out frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 31 (1990), 13‑21.
  107. On proving the Tychonoff Product Theorem. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 30 (1990), 65‑73.
  108. Samuel compactification and completion of uniform frames. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 108 (1990), 63‑78 (with A. Pultr).
  109. The dual Cantor‑Bernstein Theorem and the Partition Principle. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 31 (1990), 375‑381. (with G. H. Moore).
  110. Strong zero‑dimensionality of biframes and bispaces. Quaest. Math. 13 (1990), 273‑290 (with G. C. L. Brümmer).
  111. Compactification of frames. Math. Nachr. 149 (1990), 105‑116.
  112. Fixpoints without the natural numbers. Zeitschrift für mathem. Logik und Grundl. der Math. 37 (1991), 125‑128.
  113. Compactification and local connectedness of frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 70 (1991), 3‑16 (with D. Baboolal).
  114. Projective and supercoherent frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 70 (1991), 45‑51 (with S. B. Niefield).
  115. Tarski’s Fixpoint Lemma and combinatorial games. Order 7 (1991), 375‑386 (with A. Pultr).
  116. Algebraic closure without choice. Zeitschrift für mathem. Logik und Grundl. der Math. 38 (1992), 383‑385.
  117. Bourbaki’s Fixpoint Lemma reconsidered. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 33 (1992), 303‑309.
  118. Singly generated frame extensions J. Pure Appl. Alg. 83 (1992), 1‑21.
  119. A Stone Duality for Metric Spaces. Category Theory 1991, CMS Conference Proceedings Vol. 13 (1992), 33‑42 (with A. Pultr).
  120. Distributive algebras in linear categories. Algebra Universalis 30 (1993), 101‑118 (with A. Pultr).
  121. The frame envelope of a σ‑frame. Quaest. Math. 16 (1993), 51‑60.
  122. Supercompactness, products, and the Axiom of Choice. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 33 (1993), 111‑114.
  123. On the injectivity of Boolean algebras. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 34 (1993), 501‑511.
  124. Paracompactness revisited. Appl. Categ. Structures 1 (1993), 181‑190 (with A. Pultr).
  125. On Krull’s Separation Lemma. Order 10 (1993), 253‑260 (with M. Erné).
  126. On certain localic nuclei. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 35 (1994), 227‑237.
  127. A new proof that “Krull implies Zorn”. Math. Logic Quart. 40 (1994), 478‑480.
  128. Variants of openness. Appl. Cat. Struct. 2 (1994), 331‑350 (with A. Pultr).
  129. Polynomials and radical ideals. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 113 (1996), 219-227 (with J.J.C. Vermeulen).
  130. Radical ideals and coherent frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 349-370.
  131. Booleanization. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 37 (1996), 41-60 (with A. Pultr).
  132. Cauchy points of uniform and nearness frames. Quaest. Math. 19 (1996), 101-127 (with A. Pultr).
  133. Booleanization of uniform frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 135-146 (with A. Pultr).
  134. Pseudocompactness and the cozero part of a frame. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 577-587 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
  135. Pointfree topology and the spectra of f-rings. Ordered Algebraic Structures. Proc. Curaçao Conference on Part. Ord. Alg. Systems, 1995, 123-148. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997.
  136. Universal categories of uniform and metric locales. Alg. Univ. 35 (1996), 556-569 (with A. Pultr).
  137. Completion in Pointfree Topology. Lecture Notes in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics No 2/96. University of Cape Town 1996.
  138. A Constructive Proof of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 116 (1997), 25-40 (with C.J. Mulvey).
  139. The Real Numbers in Pointfree Topology. Textos de Matermatica Serie B, No. 12. Departamento de Matematica da Universidade de Coimbra 1997.
  140. Cauchy homomorphisms of nearness frames. Math. Nachr. 183 (1997), 5-18 (with A. Pultr).
  141. On proving the existence of complete ordered fields. Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), 548-551.
  142. A new look at pointfree metrization theorems. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 39 (1998), 167-175 (with A. Pultr).
  143. On the completion of nearness frames. Quaest. Math. 21 (1998), 19-37 (with S.S. Hong and A. Pultr).
  144. Choice principles and compactness conditions. Math. Logic Quart. 44 (1998), 427-430.
  145. On locally connected frames. Proceedings SoCat94, University of Cape Town, 1999, pp. 37-46.
  146. Filters and strict extensions of frames. Kyungpook Math. J. 39 (1999), 215-230 (with S.S. Hong).
  147. A uniform view of localic real compactness. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 143 (1999), 49-68.
  148. On the completeness of localic groups. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 40 (1999), 293-307 (with J.C.C. Vermeulen).
  149. Propositional logic, frames, and fuzzy algebra. Quaest. Math. 22 (1999), 481-507.
  150. Extension by continuity in Pointfree Topology. Appl. Cat. Struct. 8 (2000), 475-486 (with S.S. Hong).
  151. Cozero bases of frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 157 (2001), 1-22 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
  152. The spectral theory of commutative C*-algebras: The constructive spectrum. Quaest. Math. 23 (2000), 425-464 (with C.J. Mulvey).
  153. The spectral theory of commutative C*-algebras: The constructive Gelfand-Mazur Theorem. Quaest. Math. 23 (2000), 465-488 (with C.J. Mulvey).
  154. Gelfand and Exchange Rings: Their Spectra in Pointfree Topology. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 25, No. 2C (2000), 3-22.
  155. The Axiom of Countable Choice and Pointfree Topology. Appl. Cat. Struct. 9 (2001), 245-258.
  156. Realcompactness and the cozero part of a frame. Appl. Categ. Struct. 9 (2001), 395-417 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
  157. Adjointness aspects of the downset functor. Appl. Categ. Struct. 9 (2001), 419-436 (with A. Pultr).
  158. f-rings and the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. Order 18 (2001), 107-117
  159. Functorial uniformities on strongly zero-dimensional frames. Kyungpook Math.J. 41 (2001), 179-190 (with G.C.L. Brummer).
  160. Functorial maximal spectra. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 168 (2002), 327-346
  161. Stone’s real Gelfand duality in pointfree topology. Ordered Algebraic Structures. Proc. Gainesville Conference 2001, 157-177. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002.
  162. Uniform completion in pointfree topology. Chapter in: Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets. Trends in Logic Volume 20. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, 19-56.
  163. General filters and strict extensions in pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 42 (2002), 273-283 (with S.S. Hong).
  164. On the Booleanization of a finite distributive lattice. Houston J. Math 29 (2003), 537-544 (with J.C.C. Vermeulen).
  165. Ring Theory and Pointfree Topology. Topology and its Applications, April 2001, 137 (2004), 21-37.
  166. Remarks on the frame envelope of a σ‑frame. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 177 (2003), 231-236.(with P. Matutu).
  167. Completeness properties of function rings in pointfree topology. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 44 (2003), 245-259 (with S.S. Hong).
  168. On the normal completion of a Boolean algebra. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 181 (2003), 1-14. (with M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi).
  169. A constructive view of complete regularity. Kyungpook Math. J. 43 (2003), 257-262 (with A. Pultr).
  170. A cancellation law for partially ordered sets and T0‑spaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132, (2004), 3463-3466. (with R. Lowen).
  171. On weak lattice and frame homomorphisms. Alg. Univ. 51(2004), 137-151 (with A. Pultr).
  172. Excluded middle versus choice in a topos. Math. Log. Quart. 31 (2005), 282-284.
  173. On Boole’s Booleanness. In: “Categorical Structures and their Applications”, Ed. W. Gähler & G. Preuss. World Scientific Singapore 2004, pp.1-12.
  174. Stone‑Čech compactification of locales III. J. Pure Appl. A g. 185 (2003), no. 1-3, 25-33 (with C.J. Mulvey).
  175. Projective frames: a general view. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 46 (2005), 301-312.
  176. On the function ring functor in pointfree topology. Appl. Categ. Struct. 13 (2005), 305-328.
  177. Variants of compactness in pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 45 (2005), 455-470 (with S.S. Hong).
  178. Epimorphisms of uniform frames. Topol. Appl. 153 (2006), 3053-3058 (with E. Giuli and A. Pultr).
  179. Sober approach spaces. Topol. Appl. 153 (2006), 3059-3070 (with C. van Olmen and R. Lowen).
  180. A globalisation of the Gelfand Duality theorem. In: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 137 (2006), Special Issue, Proceedings 2nd Workshop on Formal Topology, ed. B. Banaschewski, T. Coquand, G. Sambin (62-103), (with C.J. Mulvey).
  181. On Lindelöf uniform frames and the Axiom of Countable Choice. Quaest. Math. 30 (2007), 115-121 (with J. Walters-Wayland)
  182. Integral Stone Rings. Order 22 (2005), 185-190.
  183. A general view of approximation. Appl. Categ. Struct. 14 (2006), 165-190 (with A. Pultr).
  184. Regularity in approach theory. Acta Hungarica. 115 (2007), 183-196 (with R. Lowen and C. van Olmen).
  185. The Shrinking Principle and the Axiom of Choice. Monatshefte Math. 151 (2007), 263-270 (with P. Schuster).
  186. The Stone-Čech compactification and the cozero lattice in pointfree topology. Appl. Categ. Structures 15 (2007), 473-479, and Erratum, 481-482.
  187. On the function rings of pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 48 (2008), 195-206.
  188. Epimorphisms of metric frames. Quaest. Math. 31 (2008), 241-253 (with A. Pultr).
  189. The HSP-classes of Archimedean l-groups with weak unit. Conference on Ordered Rings. Baton Rouge 2007. Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse (6) 19 (2010), Fascicule Spécial, 13-24 (with A.W.Hager).
  190. Oz in pointfree topology. Quaest Math. 32 (2009), 215-227 (with T. Dube, C. Gilmour, J. Walters-Wayland).
  191. Injectivity of Archimedean l-groups with order unit. Alg. Univ. 62 (2009), no. 1, 113-123 (with A. W. Hager).
  192. A new aspect of the cozero lattice in pointfree topology. Topol. Appl. 156 (2009), no. 12, 2028-2038.
  193. Ring ideals and the Stone-Čech compactification in pointfree topology. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 214 (2010), no. 12, 2159-2164 (with M. Sioen).
  194. On the strong amalgamation of Boolean algebras. Alg. Univ. 63 (2010), no. 2-3, 235-238.
  195. Pointfree aspects of the TD-axiom of classical topology. Quaest.Math. 33 (2010), no. 3, 369-385 (with A. Pultr).
  196. Approximate maps, filter monad, and a representation of localic maps. Arch. Math. (Brno) 46 (2010), no. 4, 285-298 (with A. Pultr) (Reviewer: Themba Dube) 06D22 (18C20 54H99).
  197. Rings of continuous functions on s-frames. Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 7, 861-868. (with C. Gilmour) 54C30 (06F25 54H10)
  198. On the sheaf characterization of Gelfand rings. Quaest. Math. 34 (2011), no. 2, 137-145. (with J. C. C. Vermeulen) (Reviewer: Ana Rita Martins) 13J99 (03E25)
  199. pm-rings and the prime ideal theorem. Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 17, 2340-2342. (Reviewer: Iuliu Crivei) 13A15
  200. Extended real functions in pointfree topology. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), no. 4, 905-922. (with J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado) 54C30 (06D22 06F25)
  201. Completion and Samuel compactification of nearness and uniform frames. Port. Math. 69 (2012), no. 2, 113-126. (with A. Pultr) 06D22 (54E15 54E17)
  202. Compact Hausdorff approach frames. Order 29 (2012), no. 1, 105-118. (with R. Lowen and C. Van Olmen) 06D22
Unpublished Manuscripts

B. Banaschewski, σ-frames, unpublished manuscript, 1980