Bernard Banaschewski
List of publications
- Über den Satz von Zorn. Mathematische Nachrichten 10 (1953), 181‑186.
- Über die Konstruktion wohlgeordneter Mengen. Mathematische Nachrichten 10 (1953), 239‑245.
- Über nulldimensionale Räume. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 129‑140.
- Über zwei Extremaleigenschaften topologischer Räume. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 141‑150.
- Über den Ultrafilterraum. Mathematische Nachrichten 13 (1955), 273‑281.
- Abstufungen des Kompaktheitsbegriffes. Archiv der Mathematik 6 (1955), 320‑329.
- Überlagerung von Erweiterungsräumen. Archiv der Mathematik 7 (1956), 107‑115.
- Local connectedness of extension spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 8 (1956), 395‑398.
- Zur Existenz von universellen Überlagerungen. Mathematische Nachrichten 15 (1956), 175‑180.
- Hüllensysteme und Quasiordnungen. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 2 (1956), 117‑130.
- Total geordnete Moduln. Archiv der Mathematik 7 (1956), 430‑440.
- On spaces of dimension zero. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 9 (1957), 38‑46.
- Über die Vervollständigung geordneter Gruppen. Mathematische Nachrichten 16 (1957), 51‑71.
- On the Weierstrass‑Stone approximation theorem. Fundamenta Mathematicae 44 (1957), 249‑252.
- Zur Idealtheorie der ganzen Funktionen. Mathematische Nachrichten 19 (1958), 136‑160.
- On transfinite iteration. Fundamenta Mathematicae 46 (1958), 225‑229.
- On certain extensions of functions rings. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 11 (1959), 87‑96.
- On the Katetov and Stone‑Čech extensions. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2 (1959), 1‑4.
- Über einen Approximationssatz auf nicht‑kompakten Räumen. Archiv der Mathematik (1959), 31‑33.
- Homeomorphisms between extension spaces. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 12 (1960), 252‑262.
- On principles of inductive definition. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 6 (1960), 248‑257.
- Orderable spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae 50 (1961), 21‑34.
- Proximity functions (with J.M. Maranda). Mathematische Narchrichten 23 (1961), 1‑37.
- On the components of ideals in commutative rings. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1961), 22‑29.
- On proving the absence of zero‑divisors for semi‑group rings. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 4 (1961), 225‑231.
- Über Hausdorffsch‑minimale Erweiterung von Räumen. Archiv der Mathematik 12 (1961), 355‑365.
- On some theorems equivalent with the Axiom of Choice. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 7 (1961), 279‑283.
- Normal systems of sets. Mathematische Nachrichten 24 (1962), 53‑75.
- Regular closure operators. Archiv der Mathematik 14 (1963), 271‑274.
- On Wallman’s method of compactification. Mathematische Nachrichten 27 (1963), 105‑114.
- On the character rings of finite groups. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 15 (1963), 605‑612.
- On lattice‑ordered groups. Fundamenta Mathematicae 55 (1964), 113‑122.
- Maximal monoid subalgebras in a group algebra. Archiv der Mathematik 15, (1964), 6‑9.
- Extensions of topological spaces. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 7 (1964), 1‑22.
- On projective and injective modules. Archiv der Mathematik 15, (1964), 271‑275.
- On the derivation modules of an algebra. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 11 (1963), 671‑675.
- Quotient extensions of modules. Mathematische Nachrichten 28 (1965), 245‑255.
- Maximal rings of quotients of semi‑simple commutative rings. Archiv der Mathematik 16 (1965), 414‑420.
- On coverings of modules. Mathematische Nachrichten 31 (1966), 57‑71.
- On the injective hulls of cyclic modules over Dedekind domains. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 9 (1966), 183‑186.
- Analytic discs in the maximal ideal space of a Banach algebra. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 14 (1966), 137‑144.
- Projective covers in certain categories of topological spaces. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra. Prague 1966, 52‑55.
- Categorical characterization of the MacNeille completion. Archiv der Mathematik 18, (19618, 369‑377 (with G. Bruns).
- Integral group rings of finite groups. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 10 (1967), 635‑642.
- An algebraic characterization of C¥(Rn). Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. 16 (1968), 169‑174.
- Injective hulls of distributive lattices. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 232 (1968), 102‑109 (with G. Bruns).
- Frames and compactifications. Proceedings, 1st International Symposium on Extension Spaces Berlin 1967, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften Berlin, 29‑33 (1969).
- Projective covers in categories of topological spaces and topological algebras. Proceedings of the Kanpur Topology Conference 1968, Academia Prague, 63‑91 (1971).
- Injectivity and essentialness in equational classes of algebras. Proceedings of the Conference on Universal Algebra October 1969, Queen’s Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 25 (1970), 131‑147.
- Functors into categories of M‑sets. Hamburger Mathematische Abhandlungen 38 (1972), 49‑64.
- On profinite universal algebras. Proceedings of the Third Prague Topological Symposium 1971 (Prague 1972), 51‑62.
- Equational compactness in equational classes of algebras (with Evelyn Nelson). Algebra Universalis 2(1972), 152‑165.
- On residual finiteness and finite embeddability (with Evelyn Nelson). Colloquium Mathematicum 27 (1973), 197‑205.
- A remark on extensions of Hausdorff spaces. General Topology and its Applications 4 (1974), 283‑284.
- Equational compactness of G‑sets. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 17 (1974), 11‑18.
- On equationally compact extensions of algebras. Algebra Universalis 4 (1974), 20‑35.
- Minimal topological algebras. Mathematische Annalen 211 (1974), 107‑114.
- Subcategories defined by implications. Houston Journal of Mathematics 2 (1976), 149‑171. (with H. Herrlich).
- Local + stable adjointness = adjointness. General Topology and its Applications 6(1976), 305‑307.
- The duality between M‑spaces and compact Hausdorff spaces. Mathematische Nachrichten 75(1976), 41‑45.
- Essential extensions of T0‑spaces. General Topology and its Applications 7(1977), 233‑246.
- Tensor products and bimorphisms. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 19(1976), 385‑401. (with Evelyn Nelson)
- On the non‑existence of injective near‑ring modules. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 20 (1977), 17‑23. (with E. Nelson).
- Sheaves of Banach spaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 (1977), 1‑22.
- On G. Spencer Brown’s Laws of Form. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (1977), 507‑509.
- Remarks on dual adjointness. Mathematik‑Arbeitspapiere 7, Nordwestdeutsches Kategorien Seminar, Universität Bremen (1977), 3‑10.
- Hulls, kernels, and continuous lattices. Houston Journal of Mathematics 4 (1978), 517‑525.
- Brandt Groupoids and semigroups. Semigroup Forum 18 (1979), 307‑311.
- Recovering a space from its Banach sheaves. Proceedings of the Berlin Conference on Categorical Topology, August 1978. Springer LNM 719 (pp. 1‑12). Springer‑Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979.
- Injective Banach sheaves. Proceedings of the Durham Conference on Sheaf Theory, Summer 1977. Springer LNM 753 (pp.101‑112). Springer‑Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1979.
- A proof that F(L) belongs to HSP{L}. Algebra Universalis 9 (1979), 395 (with G. Bruns).
- Extension of invariant linear functionals: Hahn‑Banach in the topos of M‑sets. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 17 (1980), 227‑248.
- Boolean Powers as algebras of functions. Dissertationes Mathematicae 49 (1980), 1‑55 (with E. Nelson).
- The duality of distributive continuous lattices. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 32 (1980), 385‑394.
- Stone‑Čech compactification of locales. Houston Journal of Mathematics 6 (1980), 301‑312 (with C.J. Mulvey).
- Injective sheaves of abelian groups: a counterexample. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 32 (1980), 1518‑1521.
- A lemma on flatness. Algebra Universalis 12 (1981), 154‑159.
- Coherent frames. Continuous Lattices. Proceedings Bremen 1979. Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 871 (1981), 1‑11.
- The duality of distributive σ‑continuous lattices. Ibidem 12‑19.
- When are divisible abelian groups injective? Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 (1981), 285‑307.
- On the category invariance of cardinalities in a prevariety. Algebra Universalis 14 (1982), 267‑268.
- Completions of partially ordered sets. SIAM Journal of Computing 11 (1982), 521‑528 (with E. Nelson).
- The power of the ultrafilter theorem. Journal of the London Mathematical Society 27 (1983), 193‑202.
- On lattices of continuous functions. Quaestiones Mathematicae 6 (1983), 1‑12.
- Biframes and bispaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae 6 (1983), 13‑25 (with G.C.L. Brümmer and K.A. Hardie).
- On categories of algebras equivalent to a variety. Algebra Universalis 16 (1983), 264‑267.
- The Birkhoff Theorem for varieties of finite algebras. Algebra Universalis 17 (1983), 360‑368.
- Stone‑Čech compactification of locales II. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 33 (1984), 107‑122.
- More on compact Hausdorff spaces and finitary duality. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 36 (1984), 1113‑1118.
- The topology of injective T0‑spaces. Continuous Lattices and their Applications. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 101. Marcel Dekker New York and Marcel 1985, 1‑8.
- Lattice aspects of radical ideals and choice principles. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 50 (1985), 385‑404 (with R. Harting).
- Prime elements from prime ideals. Order 2 (1985), 211‑213.
- Boolean algebras in a localic topos. Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 100 (1986), 43‑55 (with K.R. Bhutani).
- Thoughts on the Cantor‑Bernstein Theorem. Quaest. Math. 9 (1986), 1‑27, (with G.C.L. Brümmer).
- Injectivity and modelling in the Blass topos. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 49 (1987), 1‑10.
- On the congruence lattice of a frame. Pacific J. Math. 130 (1987), 209‑213 (with J.L. Frith and C.R.A. Gilmour).
- The fundamental duality of partially ordered sets. Order 5 (1988), 61‑74 (with G. Bruns).
- Stably continuous frames. Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 104 (1988) 7‑19 (with G.C.L. Brümmer).
- The prime ideal theorem and representations of F‑rings. Algebra Universalis 25 (1988), 384‑387.
- Another look at the localic Tychonoff Theorem. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 29 (1988), 647‑656.
- Stone‑Čech compactification and dimension theory of σ‑frames. J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1989), 1‑8 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
- Compact regular frames and the Sikorski Theorem. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 28 (1988), 1‑14.
- On weak automorphisms of certain algebras. Algebra Universalis 26 (1989) 307‑310.
- Cauchy points of metric locales. Can. J. Math. 41 (1989), 830‑854. (with A. Pultr).
- Universal zero‑dimensional compactifications. Categorical Topology and its Relation to Analysis, Algebra, and Combinatorics. Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1988. 257‑269 World Scientific Singapore 1989.
- On pushing out frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 31 (1990), 13‑21.
- On proving the Tychonoff Product Theorem. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 30 (1990), 65‑73.
- Samuel compactification and completion of uniform frames. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 108 (1990), 63‑78 (with A. Pultr).
- The dual Cantor‑Bernstein Theorem and the Partition Principle. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 31 (1990), 375‑381. (with G. H. Moore).
- Strong zero‑dimensionality of biframes and bispaces. Quaest. Math. 13 (1990), 273‑290 (with G. C. L. Brümmer).
- Compactification of frames. Math. Nachr. 149 (1990), 105‑116.
- Fixpoints without the natural numbers. Zeitschrift für mathem. Logik und Grundl. der Math. 37 (1991), 125‑128.
- Compactification and local connectedness of frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 70 (1991), 3‑16 (with D. Baboolal).
- Projective and supercoherent frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 70 (1991), 45‑51 (with S. B. Niefield).
- Tarski’s Fixpoint Lemma and combinatorial games. Order 7 (1991), 375‑386 (with A. Pultr).
- Algebraic closure without choice. Zeitschrift für mathem. Logik und Grundl. der Math. 38 (1992), 383‑385.
- Bourbaki’s Fixpoint Lemma reconsidered. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 33 (1992), 303‑309.
- Singly generated frame extensions J. Pure Appl. Alg. 83 (1992), 1‑21.
- A Stone Duality for Metric Spaces. Category Theory 1991, CMS Conference Proceedings Vol. 13 (1992), 33‑42 (with A. Pultr).
- Distributive algebras in linear categories. Algebra Universalis 30 (1993), 101‑118 (with A. Pultr).
- The frame envelope of a σ‑frame. Quaest. Math. 16 (1993), 51‑60.
- Supercompactness, products, and the Axiom of Choice. Kyungpook Journal of Mathematics 33 (1993), 111‑114.
- On the injectivity of Boolean algebras. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 34 (1993), 501‑511.
- Paracompactness revisited. Appl. Categ. Structures 1 (1993), 181‑190 (with A. Pultr).
- On Krull’s Separation Lemma. Order 10 (1993), 253‑260 (with M. Erné).
- On certain localic nuclei. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 35 (1994), 227‑237.
- A new proof that “Krull implies Zorn”. Math. Logic Quart. 40 (1994), 478‑480.
- Variants of openness. Appl. Cat. Struct. 2 (1994), 331‑350 (with A. Pultr).
- Polynomials and radical ideals. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 113 (1996), 219-227 (with J.J.C. Vermeulen).
- Radical ideals and coherent frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 349-370.
- Booleanization. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 37 (1996), 41-60 (with A. Pultr).
- Cauchy points of uniform and nearness frames. Quaest. Math. 19 (1996), 101-127 (with A. Pultr).
- Booleanization of uniform frames. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 135-146 (with A. Pultr).
- Pseudocompactness and the cozero part of a frame. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 37 (1996), 577-587 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
- Pointfree topology and the spectra of f-rings. Ordered Algebraic Structures. Proc. Curaçao Conference on Part. Ord. Alg. Systems, 1995, 123-148. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997.
- Universal categories of uniform and metric locales. Alg. Univ. 35 (1996), 556-569 (with A. Pultr).
- Completion in Pointfree Topology. Lecture Notes in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics No 2/96. University of Cape Town 1996.
- A Constructive Proof of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 116 (1997), 25-40 (with C.J. Mulvey).
- The Real Numbers in Pointfree Topology. Textos de Matermatica Serie B, No. 12. Departamento de Matematica da Universidade de Coimbra 1997.
- Cauchy homomorphisms of nearness frames. Math. Nachr. 183 (1997), 5-18 (with A. Pultr).
- On proving the existence of complete ordered fields. Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), 548-551.
- A new look at pointfree metrization theorems. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 39 (1998), 167-175 (with A. Pultr).
- On the completion of nearness frames. Quaest. Math. 21 (1998), 19-37 (with S.S. Hong and A. Pultr).
- Choice principles and compactness conditions. Math. Logic Quart. 44 (1998), 427-430.
- On locally connected frames. Proceedings SoCat94, University of Cape Town, 1999, pp. 37-46.
- Filters and strict extensions of frames. Kyungpook Math. J. 39 (1999), 215-230 (with S.S. Hong).
- A uniform view of localic real compactness. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 143 (1999), 49-68.
- On the completeness of localic groups. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae 40 (1999), 293-307 (with J.C.C. Vermeulen).
- Propositional logic, frames, and fuzzy algebra. Quaest. Math. 22 (1999), 481-507.
- Extension by continuity in Pointfree Topology. Appl. Cat. Struct. 8 (2000), 475-486 (with S.S. Hong).
- Cozero bases of frames. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 157 (2001), 1-22 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
- The spectral theory of commutative C*-algebras: The constructive spectrum. Quaest. Math. 23 (2000), 425-464 (with C.J. Mulvey).
- The spectral theory of commutative C*-algebras: The constructive Gelfand-Mazur Theorem. Quaest. Math. 23 (2000), 465-488 (with C.J. Mulvey).
- Gelfand and Exchange Rings: Their Spectra in Pointfree Topology. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 25, No. 2C (2000), 3-22.
- The Axiom of Countable Choice and Pointfree Topology. Appl. Cat. Struct. 9 (2001), 245-258.
- Realcompactness and the cozero part of a frame. Appl. Categ. Struct. 9 (2001), 395-417 (with C.R.A. Gilmour).
- Adjointness aspects of the downset functor. Appl. Categ. Struct. 9 (2001), 419-436 (with A. Pultr).
- f-rings and the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. Order 18 (2001), 107-117
- Functorial uniformities on strongly zero-dimensional frames. Kyungpook Math.J. 41 (2001), 179-190 (with G.C.L. Brummer).
- Functorial maximal spectra. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 168 (2002), 327-346
- Stone’s real Gelfand duality in pointfree topology. Ordered Algebraic Structures. Proc. Gainesville Conference 2001, 157-177. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002.
- Uniform completion in pointfree topology. Chapter in: Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets. Trends in Logic Volume 20. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003, 19-56.
- General filters and strict extensions in pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 42 (2002), 273-283 (with S.S. Hong).
- On the Booleanization of a finite distributive lattice. Houston J. Math 29 (2003), 537-544 (with J.C.C. Vermeulen).
- Ring Theory and Pointfree Topology. Topology and its Applications, April 2001, 137 (2004), 21-37.
- Remarks on the frame envelope of a σ‑frame. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 177 (2003), 231-236.(with P. Matutu).
- Completeness properties of function rings in pointfree topology. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 44 (2003), 245-259 (with S.S. Hong).
- On the normal completion of a Boolean algebra. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 181 (2003), 1-14. (with M.M. Ebrahimi and M. Mahmoudi).
- A constructive view of complete regularity. Kyungpook Math. J. 43 (2003), 257-262 (with A. Pultr).
- A cancellation law for partially ordered sets and T0‑spaces. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132, (2004), 3463-3466. (with R. Lowen).
- On weak lattice and frame homomorphisms. Alg. Univ. 51(2004), 137-151 (with A. Pultr).
- Excluded middle versus choice in a topos. Math. Log. Quart. 31 (2005), 282-284.
- On Boole’s Booleanness. In: “Categorical Structures and their Applications”, Ed. W. Gähler & G. Preuss. World Scientific Singapore 2004, pp.1-12.
- Stone‑Čech compactification of locales III. J. Pure Appl. A g. 185 (2003), no. 1-3, 25-33 (with C.J. Mulvey).
- Projective frames: a general view. Cahiers top. geom. diff. categ. 46 (2005), 301-312.
- On the function ring functor in pointfree topology. Appl. Categ. Struct. 13 (2005), 305-328.
- Variants of compactness in pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 45 (2005), 455-470 (with S.S. Hong).
- Epimorphisms of uniform frames. Topol. Appl. 153 (2006), 3053-3058 (with E. Giuli and A. Pultr).
- Sober approach spaces. Topol. Appl. 153 (2006), 3059-3070 (with C. van Olmen and R. Lowen).
- A globalisation of the Gelfand Duality theorem. In: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 137 (2006), Special Issue, Proceedings 2nd Workshop on Formal Topology, ed. B. Banaschewski, T. Coquand, G. Sambin (62-103), (with C.J. Mulvey).
- On Lindelöf uniform frames and the Axiom of Countable Choice. Quaest. Math. 30 (2007), 115-121 (with J. Walters-Wayland)
- Integral Stone Rings. Order 22 (2005), 185-190.
- A general view of approximation. Appl. Categ. Struct. 14 (2006), 165-190 (with A. Pultr).
- Regularity in approach theory. Acta Hungarica. 115 (2007), 183-196 (with R. Lowen and C. van Olmen).
- The Shrinking Principle and the Axiom of Choice. Monatshefte Math. 151 (2007), 263-270 (with P. Schuster).
- The Stone-Čech compactification and the cozero lattice in pointfree topology. Appl. Categ. Structures 15 (2007), 473-479, and Erratum, 481-482.
- On the function rings of pointfree topology. Kyungpook Math. J. 48 (2008), 195-206.
- Epimorphisms of metric frames. Quaest. Math. 31 (2008), 241-253 (with A. Pultr).
- The HSP-classes of Archimedean l-groups with weak unit. Conference on Ordered Rings. Baton Rouge 2007. Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse (6) 19 (2010), Fascicule Spécial, 13-24 (with A.W.Hager).
- Oz in pointfree topology. Quaest Math. 32 (2009), 215-227 (with T. Dube, C. Gilmour, J. Walters-Wayland).
- Injectivity of Archimedean l-groups with order unit. Alg. Univ. 62 (2009), no. 1, 113-123 (with A. W. Hager).
- A new aspect of the cozero lattice in pointfree topology. Topol. Appl. 156 (2009), no. 12, 2028-2038.
- Ring ideals and the Stone-Čech compactification in pointfree topology. J. Pure Appl. Alg. 214 (2010), no. 12, 2159-2164 (with M. Sioen).
- On the strong amalgamation of Boolean algebras. Alg. Univ. 63 (2010), no. 2-3, 235-238.
- Pointfree aspects of the TD-axiom of classical topology. Quaest.Math. 33 (2010), no. 3, 369-385 (with A. Pultr).
- Approximate maps, filter monad, and a representation of localic maps. Arch. Math. (Brno) 46 (2010), no. 4, 285-298 (with A. Pultr) (Reviewer: Themba Dube) 06D22 (18C20 54H99).
- Rings of continuous functions on s-frames. Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 7, 861-868. (with C. Gilmour) 54C30 (06F25 54H10)
- On the sheaf characterization of Gelfand rings. Quaest. Math. 34 (2011), no. 2, 137-145. (with J. C. C. Vermeulen) (Reviewer: Ana Rita Martins) 13J99 (03E25)
- pm-rings and the prime ideal theorem. Topology Appl. 158 (2011), no. 17, 2340-2342. (Reviewer: Iuliu Crivei) 13A15
- Extended real functions in pointfree topology. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), no. 4, 905-922. (with J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado) 54C30 (06D22 06F25)
- Completion and Samuel compactification of nearness and uniform frames. Port. Math. 69 (2012), no. 2, 113-126. (with A. Pultr) 06D22 (54E15 54E17)
- Compact Hausdorff approach frames. Order 29 (2012), no. 1, 105-118. (with R. Lowen and C. Van Olmen) 06D22
Unpublished Manuscripts
B. Banaschewski, σ-frames, unpublished manuscript, 1980