===================================================================== RAMiCS 2014 Apr 27 - May 1, Marienstatt, Germany SESSION REGISTRATION FORM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1) Fill in the form electronically: - Enter text between "<" and ">" without deleting them. - Tick boxes by placing "X" between brackets "[" and "]" - Do not add line breaks (if needed, indicate by LaTeX "\\") 2) Mail the ASCII text to: - m.e.mueller@acm.org cc: nadine.kutz@h-brs.de - Subject:"RAMiCS 2014 Session Registration" 3) Print out the form 4) Sign it 5) Fax it to +49 -2241 865-8283 or Mail a PDF scan to address above 6) You will soon after receive an email confirming your registration Registration is not valid until all steps have been completed. ===================================================================== (01) LAST NAME : <> (02) INITIALS : <> (03) FIRST NAME : <> (05) EMAIL ADDR.: <> (06) ADDRESS : <> -------------------------------------------------------------------- (08) [] I herewith register for the followings sessions at the RAMiCS 2014 conference. Monday [] 9:15-10:30 Algebras for Program Correctness in Isabelle/HOL (Armstrong, Gomes, Struth) Abstract Dynamic Frames (Dang) [] 11:00-12:00 INVITED TALK: DEVELOPMENTS IN CONCURRENT KLEENE ALGEBRA TONY HOARE [] 14:00-15:00 Endowing Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Communication Actions (Jaskolka, Khedri, Zhang) Concurrent Kleene Algebra with Tests (Jipsen) [] 15:30-17:00 Kleene Algebra with Converse (Brunet, Pous) Extended Conscriptions Algebraically (Guttmann) Completeness Theorems for Bi-Kleene Algebras and Series-Parallel Rational Pomset Languages (Struth, Laurence) Tuesday [] 9:00-10:30 Higher-Order Arrow Categories (Winter) Nominal Sets over Algebraic Atoms (Ochremiak) A Mechanised Abstract Formalisation of Concept Lattices (Kahl) [] 11:00-12:00 INVITED TALK PREPARING RELATION ALGEBRA FOR “JUST GOOD ENOUGH” HARDWARE JOSÉ NUNO OLIVEIRA Wednesday [] 9:00-10:30 Tableau Development for a Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logic (Stell, Schmidt, Rydeheard) Complete Solution of a Constrained Tropical Optimization Problem with Application to Location Analysis (Krivulin) On Faults and Faulty Programs (Mili, Frias, Jaoua) [] 11:00-12:00 INVITED TALK RELATION LIFTING ALEXANDER KURZ [] 14:00-15:00 A Sufficient Condition for Liftable Adjunctions between Eilenberg-Moore Categories (Nishizawa, Furusawa) Finding Subrelations with Desired Properties (Müller) [] 15:30-17:00 Relation Algebra and RelView Applied to Approval Voting (Berghammer, Danilenko, Schnoor) Thursday [] 9:00-10:30 Linking Functional Programming with Topology Concepts (Schmidt) Automated Verification of Relational While-Programs (Berghammer, Höfner, Stucke) Parameterised Bisimulations: Some Applications (Arun-Kumar, Bagga) [] 11:00-12:00 Fuzzifying Modal Algebra (Desharnais, Möller) Relational Lattices (Litak, Mikulas, Hidders) [] 14:00-15:00 Refinements of the RCC25 Composition Table (Ghosh, Winter) Fixed-point Theory in the Varieties D_n (Frittella, Santocanale) [] 15:30-16:45 A Modified Completeness Theorem of KAT and the Decidability of Term Reducibility (Uramoto) Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers in Arrow Categories (Winter, Jackson, Fujiwara) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total amount to be paid in cash on site: * 15.00 EUR = _____________________ EUR ____/____/____ _______________________________ (Date) (Signature) ===================================================================== We are looking forward to seeing you in Marienstatt! Peter Hoefner, Peter Jipsen, Wolfram Kahl, Martin Mueller Questions? Mail to: m.e.mueller@acm.org cc: nadine.kutz@h-brs.de =====================================================================