Complete(?) list of MathQuill symbols

Peter Jipsen, February 2014

Below is a list of (almost?) all MathQuill symbols and what MathQuill displays. The file also indicates the impressive speed with which MathQuill displays this many symbols. The information is mostly copied from mathquill.js. The MathQuill syntax is similar to LaTeX, but with some quirks (other issues mentioned in symbol list):

Escaped-dollar: \$ (works in file but not when typed: creates "\ mathbox")

< and > in mathquill-textbox causes box not to display

Unrecognized latex command (e.g. $\,$ or $\son$) in mathquill-textbox causes box not to display

Firefox print-preview only shows first page of mathquill-textbox

Here is the same list displayed by MathJax

\mathrm: $\mathrm{abc123@#%}$ \mathit: $\mathit{abc123@#%}$ does it work?? cf. $abc123@#%$ \mathbf: $\mathbf{abc123@#%}$ \mathsf: $\mathsf{abc123@#%}$ \mathtt: $\mathtt{abc123@#%}$ \mathcal, \mathfrak: not available \underline: $\underline{xyz}$, \underline{\sqrt x}: $\underline{\sqrt x}$ \overline{xyz}: $\overline{xyz}$, \overline{\sqrt x}$\overline{\sqrt x}$ SubSup x_1^2: $x_1^2$, x_{1}^{2}: $x_{1}^{2}$ subscript x_11 $x_11$, x_{11}: $x_{11}$, x\subscript11: $x\subscript11$ superscript x^12: $x^12$, x^{12}: $x^{12}$, x\superscript12: $x\superscript12$, x\supscript12: $x\supscript12$ \frac xy: $\frac xy$, \dfrac xy: $\dfrac xy$, \cfrac xy: $\cfrac xy$, \fraction xy: $\fraction xy$ xy\over uv: $xy over uv$, x{y\over u}v: $x{y over u}v$ only for live fractions xy/uv: $xy/uv$, x{y/u}v: $x{y/u}v$ only for live fractions \sqrt{x^2}: $\sqrt{x^2}$, \sqrt[n]{x^n}: $\sqrt[n]{x^n}$, root and bar have small gap in Firefox (), [], \left\{\right\}, \langle, \rangle: $(), [], (], \left\{\right\}, leftlangle rightrangle$, \left{\right} need to be matched, \{\},\langle,\rangle don't work?? & lang; $⟨$, & rang; $⟩$, pipe |: $|x$ works unmatched x\text{ hi }y: $x\text{ hi }y$ x\textnormal{ hi }y: $x\textnormal{ hi }y$ x\textrm{ hi }y: $x\textrm{ hi }y$ x\textup{ hi }y: $x\textup{ hi }y$ x\textmd{ hi }y: $x\textmd{ hi }y$ a \emph{all}b: $a \emph{all}b$, a \em{all}b: $a \em{all}b$ why do \em?? a \italic{all}b: $a \italic{all}b$, a \italics{all}b: $a \italics{all}b$ ?? x\textit{ hi }y: $x\textit{ hi }y$ x\textbf{ hi }y: $x\textbf{ hi }y$, x\bold{ hi }y: $x\bold{ hi }y$, x\strong{ hi }y: $x\strong{ hi }y$, x\textsf{ hi }y: $x\textsf{ hi }y$, x\sf{ hi }y: $x\sf{ hi }y$ x\texttt{ hi }y: $x\texttt{ hi }y$, x\tt{ hi }y: $x\tt{ hi }y$ x\textsc{ HIhi }y: $x\textsc{ HIhi }y$ x\uppercase{ HIhi }y: $x\uppercase{ HIhi }y$ x\lowercase{ HIhi }y: $x\lowercase{ HIhi }y$ \binom nk: $\binom nk$ n\choose k: $n choose k$ does it work? \vector? \f: $\f$ ?? why? prime x': $x'$, x'': $x''$, x''': $x'''$ @: $@$, \&; $\&$, \%: $\%$, %: $%$ \alpha: $\alpha$ \beta: $\beta$ \gamma: $\gamma$ \delta: $\delta$ \zeta: $\zeta$ \eta: $\eta$ \theta: $\theta$ \iota: $\iota$ \kappa: $\kappa$ \mu: $\mu$ \nu: $\nu$ \xi: $\xi$ \rho: $\rho$ \sigma: $\sigma$ \tau: $\tau$ \chi: $\chi$ \psi: $\psi$ \phi: $\phi$ //W3C or Unicode? [PJipsen: Comments from mathquill.js] \phiv: $\phiv$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 \varphi: $\varphi$ //AMS and LaTeX \epsilon: $\epsilon$ //W3C or Unicode? \epsiv: $\epsiv$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 \varepsilon: $\varepsilon$ //AMS and LaTeX \piv: $\piv$ //W3C/Unicode and Elsevier and 9573-13 \varpi: $\varpi$ //AMS and LaTeX \sigmaf: $\sigmaf$ //W3C/Unicode \sigmav: $\sigmav$ //Elsevier \varsigma: $\varsigma$ //LaTeX \thetav: $\thetav$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 \vartheta: $\vartheta$ //AMS and LaTeX \thetasym: $\thetasym$ //W3C/Unicode \upsilon: $\upsilon$ //AMS and LaTeX and W3C/Unicode \upsi: $\upsi$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 //these aren't even mentioned in the HTML character entity references \gammad: $\gammad$ //Elsevier \Gammad: $\Gammad$ //9573-13 -- was this a typo in the reference (see above) \digamma: $\digamma$ //LaTeX \kappav: $\kappav$ //Elsevier \varkappa: $\varkappa$ //AMS and LaTeX \rhov: $\rhov$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 \varrho: $\varrho$ //AMS and LaTeX //Greek constants, look best in un-italicised Times New Roman \pi: $\pi$ \lambda: $\lambda$ //uppercase greek letters \Upsilon: $\Upsilon$ //LaTeX \Upsi: $\Upsi$ //Elsevier and 9573-13 \upsih: $\upsih$ //W3C/Unicode "upsilon with hook" \Upsih: $\Upsih$ //'cos it makes sense to me //other symbols with the same LaTeX command and HTML character entity reference \Gamma: $\Gamma$ \Delta: $\Delta$ \Theta: $\Theta$ \Lambda: $\Lambda$ \Xi: $\Xi$ \Pi: $\Pi$ \Sigma: $\Sigma$ \Phi: $\Phi$ \Psi: $\Psi$ \Omega: $\Omega$ Algebra $x+y$ $x-y$, unary minus $-x$ $\pm x$, $\mp x$ x*y: $x*y$, x\cdot y: $x\cdot y$, x\sdot y: $x\sdot y$ x=y: $x=y$, x & lt; y: $x \lt y$, x& gt;y: $x \gt y$ can't use lt, gt on keyboard \sim: $\sim$ \cong: $\cong$ \equiv: $\equiv$ \oplus: $\oplus$ \otimes: $\otimes$ \times: $\times$ \div: $\div$, \divide: $\divide$, \divides: $\divides$ \ne: $\ne$, \neq: $\neq$ \ast: $\ast$, \star: $\star$, \loast: $\loast$, \lowast: $\lowast$ \therefor: $\therefor$, \therefore: $\therefore$ \cuz: $\cuz$, \because: $\because$ \prop: $\prop$, \propto: $\propto$ \asymp: $\asymp$, \approx: $\approx$ \lt: $\lt$ \gt: $\gt$ \le: $\le$, \leq: $\leq$ \ge: $\ge$, \geq: $\geq$ \isin: $\isin$, \in: $\in$ \notin: $\notin$ \ni: $\ni$, \contains: $\contains$ \notni: $\notni$, \niton: $\niton$, \notcontains: $\notcontains$, \doesnotcontain: $\doesnotcontain$ \sub: $\sub$, \subset: $\subset$ \sup: $\sup$, \supset: $\supset$, \superset: $\superset$ \nsub: $\nsub$, \notsub: $\notsub$, \nsubset: $\nsubset$, \notsubset: $\notsubset$ \nsup: $\nsup$, \notsup: $\notsup$, \nsupset: $\nsupset$, \notsupset: $\notsupset$, \nsuperset: $\nsuperset$, \notsuperset: $\notsuperset$ \sube: $\sube$, \subeq: $\subeq$, \subsete: $\subsete$, \subseteq: $\subseteq$ \supe: $\supe$, \supeq: $\supeq$, \supsete: $\supsete$, \supseteq: $\supseteq$, \supersete: $\supersete$, \superseteq: $\superseteq$ \nsube: $\nsube$, \nsubeq: $\nsubeq$, \notsube: $\notsube$, \notsubeq: $\notsubeq$, \nsubsete: $\nsubsete$, \nsubseteq: $\nsubseteq$, \notsubsete: $\notsubsete$, \notsubseteq: $\notsubseteq$ \nsupe: $\nsupe$, \nsupeq: $\nsupeq$, \notsupe: $\notsupe$, \notsupeq: $\notsupeq$, \nsupsete: $\nsupsete$, \nsupseteq: $\nsupseteq$, \notsupsete: $\notsupsete$, \notsupseteq: $\notsupseteq$, \nsupersete: $\nsupersete$, \nsuperseteq: $\nsuperseteq$, \notsupersete: $\notsupersete$, \notsuperseteq: $\notsuperseteq$ //sum, product, coproduct, integral \sum: $\sum$, \summation: $\summation$ \prod: $\prod$, \product: $\product$ \coprod: $\coprod$, \coproduct: $\coproduct$ \int: $\int$, \integral: $\integral$ //the canonical sets of numbers \N: $\N$, \naturals: $\naturals$, \Naturals: $\Naturals$ \P: $\P$, \primes: $\primes$, \Primes: $\Primes$, \projective: $\projective$, \Projective: $\Projective$, \probability: $\probability$, \Probability: $\Probability$ \Z: $\Z$, \integers: $\integers$, \Integers: $\Integers$ \Q: $\Q$, \rationals: $\rationals$, \Rationals: $\Rationals$ \R: $\R$, \reals: $\reals$, \Reals: $\Reals$ \C: $\C$, \complex: $\complex$, \Complex: $\Complex$, \complexes: $\complexes$, \Complexes: $\Complexes$, \complexplane: $\complexplane$, \Complexplane: $\Complexplane$, \ComplexPlane: $\ComplexPlane$ \H: $\H$, \Hamiltonian: $\Hamiltonian$, \quaternions: $\quaternions$, \Quaternions: $\Quaternions$ //spacing \quad: $|\quad|$, \emsp: $|\emsp|$, \qquad: $|\qquad|$ \, \,, \: \:, \; \;, \! \! //these cause mathquill-textbox errors?? //binary operators \diamond: $\diamond$ \bigtriangleup: $\bigtriangleup$ \ominus: $\ominus$ \uplus: $\uplus$ \bigtriangledown: $\bigtriangledown$ \sqcap: $\sqcap$ \triangleleft: $\triangleleft$ \sqcup: $\sqcup$ \triangleright: $\triangleright$ \odot: $\odot$ \bigcirc: $\bigcirc$ \dagger: $\dagger$ \ddagger: $\ddagger$ \wr: $\wr$ \amalg: $\amalg$ //relationship symbols \models: $\models$ \prec: $\prec$ \succ: $\succ$ \preceq: $\preceq$ \succeq: $\succeq$ \simeq: $\simeq$ \mid: $\mid$ \ll: $\ll$ \gg: $\gg$ \parallel: $\parallel$ \bowtie: $\bowtie$ \sqsubset: $\sqsubset$ \sqsupset: $\sqsupset$ \smile: $\smile$ \sqsubseteq: $\sqsubseteq$ \sqsupseteq: $\sqsupseteq$ \doteq: $\doteq$ \frown: $\frown$ \vdash: $\vdash$ \dashv: $\dashv$ //arrows \longleftarrow: $\longleftarrow$ \longrightarrow: $\longrightarrow$ \Longleftarrow: $\Longleftarrow$ \Longrightarrow: $\Longrightarrow$ \longleftrightarrow: $\longleftrightarrow$ \updownarrow: $\updownarrow$ \Longleftrightarrow: $\Longleftrightarrow$ \Updownarrow: $\Updownarrow$ \mapsto: $\mapsto$ \nearrow: $\nearrow$ \hookleftarrow: $\hookleftarrow$ \hookrightarrow: $\hookrightarrow$ \searrow: $\searrow$ \leftharpoonup: $\leftharpoonup$ \rightharpoonup: $\rightharpoonup$ \swarrow: $\swarrow$ \leftharpoondown: $\leftharpoondown$ \rightharpoondown: $\rightharpoondown$ \nwarrow: $\nwarrow$ //Misc \ldots: $\ldots$ \cdots: $\cdots$ \vdots: $\vdots$ \ddots: $\ddots$ \surd: $\surd$ \triangle: $\triangle$ \ell: $\ell$ \top: $\top$ \flat: $\flat$ \natural: $\natural$ \sharp: $\sharp$ \wp: $\wp$ \bot: $\bot$ \clubsuit: $\clubsuit$ \diamondsuit: $\diamondsuit$ \heartsuit: $\heartsuit$ \spadesuit: $\spadesuit$ //variable-sized \oint: $\oint$ \bigcap: $\bigcap$ \bigcup: $\bigcup$ \bigsqcup: $\bigsqcup$ \bigvee: $\bigvee$ \bigwedge: $\bigwedge$ \bigodot: $\bigodot$ \bigotimes: $\bigotimes$ \bigoplus: $\bigoplus$ \biguplus: $\biguplus$ //delimiters \lfloor: $\lfloor$ \rfloor: $\rfloor$ \lceil: $\lceil$ \rceil: $\rceil$ \slash: $\slash$ \opencurlybrace: $\opencurlybrace$ \closecurlybrace: $\closecurlybrace$ //various symbols \caret: $\caret$ \underscore: $\underscore$ \backslash: $\backslash$ \vert: $\vert$ \perp: $\perp$, \perpendicular: $\perpendicular$ \nabla: $\nabla$, \del: $\del$ \hbar: $\hbar$ \AA: $\AA$, \Angstrom: $\Angstrom$, \angstrom: $\angstrom$ \ring: $\ring$, \circ: $\circ$, \circle: $\circle$ \bull: $\bull$, \bullet: $\bullet$ \setminus: $\setminus$, \smallsetminus: $\smallsetminus$ \not: $\not$, \neg: $\neg$ \dots: $\dots$, \ellip: $\ellip$, \hellip: $\hellip$, \ellipsis: $\ellipsis$, \hellipsis: $\hellipsis$ \converges: $\converges$, \darr: $\darr$, \dnarr: $\dnarr$, \dnarrow: $\dnarrow$, \downarrow: $\downarrow$ \dArr: $\dArr$, \dnArr: $\dnArr$, \dnArrow: $\dnArrow$, \Downarrow: $\Downarrow$ \diverges: $\diverges$, \uarr: $\uarr$, \uparrow: $\uparrow$ \uArr: $\uArr$, \Uparrow: $\Uparrow$ \to: $\to$, \rarr: $\rarr$, \rightarrow: $\rightarrow$ \implies: $\implies$, \rArr: $\rArr$, \Rightarrow: $\Rightarrow$ \gets: $\gets$, \larr: $\larr$, \leftarrow: $\leftarrow$ \impliedby: $\impliedby$, \lArr: $\lArr$, \Leftarrow: $\Leftarrow$ \harr: $\harr$, \lrarr: $\lrarr$, \leftrightarrow: $\leftrightarrow$ \iff: $\iff$, \hArr: $\hArr$, \lrArr: $\lrArr$, \Leftrightarrow: $\Leftrightarrow$ \Re: $\Re$, \Real: $\Real$, \real: $\real$ \Im: $\Im$, \imag: $\imag$, \image: $\image$, \imagin: $\imagin$, \imaginary: $\imaginary$, \Imaginary: $\Imaginary$ \part: $\part$, \partial: $\partial$ \inf: $\inf$, \infin: $\infin$, \infty: $\infty$, \infinity: $\infinity$ \alef: $\alef$, \alefsym: $\alefsym$, \aleph: $\aleph$, \alephsym: $\alephsym$ \forall: $\forall$ thankfully mathquill has only one version of forall [PJ] \xist: $\xist$, \xists: $\xists$, \exist: $\exist$, \exists: $\exists$ \and: $\and$, \land: $\land$, \wedge: $\wedge$ \or: $\or$, \lor: $\lor$, \vee: $\vee$ \o: $\o$, \O: $\O$, \empty: $\empty$, \emptyset: $\emptyset$, \oslash: $\oslash$, \Oslash: $\Oslash$, \nothing: $\nothing$, \varnothing: $\varnothing$ \cup: $\cup$, \union: $\union$ \cap: $\cap$, \intersect: $\intersect$, \intersection: $\intersection$ \deg: $\deg$, \degree: $\degree$ \ang: $\ang$, \angle: $\angle$ \ln: $\ln$ \lg: $\lg$ \log: $\log$ \span: $\span$ \proj: $\proj$ \det: $\det$ \dim: $\dim$ \min: $\min$ \max: $\max$ \mod: $\mod$ \lcm: $\lcm$ \gcd: $\gcd$, \gcf: $\gcf$, \hcf: $\hcf$ \lim: $\lim$ \sin: $\sin$ \cos: $\cos$ \tan: $\tan$ \sec: $\sec$ \cosec: $\cosec$, \csc: $\csc$ \cotan: $\cotan$, \cot: $\cot$ \sinh: $\sinh$ \cosh: $\cosh$ \tanh: $\tanh$ \sech: $\sech$ \cosech: $\cosech$, \csch: $\csch$ \cotanh: $\cotanh$, \coth: $\coth$ \asin: $\asin$ \acos: $\acos$ \atan: $\atan$ \asec: $\asec$ \acosec: $\acosec$, \acsc: $\acsc$ \acotan: $\acotan$, \acot: $\acot$ \asinh: $\asinh$ \acosh: $\acosh$ \atanh: $\atanh$ \asech: $\asech$ \acosech: $\acosech$, \acsch: $\acsch$ \acotanh: $\acotanh$, \acoth: $\acoth$ \arcsin: $\arcsin$ \arccos: $\arccos$ \arctan: $\arctan$ \arcsec: $\arcsec$ \arccosec: $\arccosec$, \arccsc: $\arccsc$ \arccotan: $\arccotan$, \arccot: $\arccot$ \arcsinh: $\arcsinh$ \arccosh: $\arccosh$ \arctanh: $\arctanh$ \arcsech: $\arcsech$ \arccosech: $\arccosech$, \arccsch: $\arccsch$ \arccotanh: $\arccotanh$, \arccoth: $\arccoth$ Synonymous keypresses: Backspace, Shift-backspace Esc, Tab, Spacebar: move cursor right Shift-Esc, Shift-Tab, Shift-spacebar: move cursor left Enter: prevent newlines from showing up?? Up-arrow, downarrow: don't move between lines, only inside formulas?? End: move to the end of the current block Ctrl-End: move all the way to the end of the root block Shift-End: select to the end of the current block Shift-Ctrl-End: select all the way to the end of the root block Home: move to the start of the root block or the current block Ctrl-Home: move to the start of the current block. Shift-Home: select to the start of the current block. Ctrl-Shift-Home: move to the start of the root block. Left: moveLeft Shift-Left: selectLeft Ctrl-Left: Right: moveRight Shift-Right: selectRight Ctrl-Right: Up: moveUp Down: moveDown Shift-Up: Shift-Down: Ctrl-Up: Ctrl-Down: Ctrl-Shift-Del: Ctrl-Del: Shift-Del: Del: Meta-A: Ctrl-A: